
“Living La Dolce Vita”


I love lemons….I love lemon flavored anything, I love the fragrance, I love yellow….they just scream summer. Happiness. Sunshine. I really wanted to love this palette. πŸ‹

It’s not that I think this is a bad palette. On the contrary, I think it is one of the best ones that Colourpop has done in a while. It just didn’t work for me. One reason is allergy related. I’ll get into that. The other…the color story. It just leans a little too yellow for me. Now I love yellow. I wish I was someone that could pull off yellow eyeshadow. But I don’t think that I am. This is just not a palette I can see myself reaching for.

The Basics

First of all, the packaging is 11 out of 10. It’s beautiful. The blue and yellow design is perfect. Even the mirror is cute. It’s these details that really make a palette special. As far as the material, Colourpop should always stick with this cardboard packaging, which just seems a lot sturdier than their plastic packaging. I have had numerous issues with Colourpop’s plastic packaging.

This 12 pan palette is $18.00 on Colourpop’s website….here The original collection included a gloss and a blush. I don’t believe that the blush is available anymore, which I find odd, but I didn’t see it on Colourpop’s website. The gloss is still available. I never tried the gloss, the blush was ok.

The Color Story and Formula

Another big plus for this palette….NO matte glitters, and NO pressed glitters either. This is a rare find in Colourpop eyeshadow, and reason enough to love this palette. Just a mix of straight mattes and metallics. Seven mattes, and 5 metallics to be exact. That’s a good mix. I personally do not like when a palette is too heavy on the matte’s or the shimmers. As usual, Colourpop gets an A+ for shade names……they are too cute.


I actually preferred the mattes to the metallics in this palette, and for me, that is rare. They are easy to work with, and buttery smooth ( with the exception of Amalfi, which I did find a bit too powdery). But even that wasn’t too bad. You get a nice variety with the mattes, no shade is too close. I have to say, I love Vespa, which is a gorgeous deep brown. And La Festa, that pop of blue, actually makes sense. How many palettes have we seen with that random pop of blue (from all brands) and we are like….what?? In this palette, it truly belongs. I’m really glad that Colourpop didn’t try to make this anymore of a blue palette. The one shadow really works, and is the perfect shade.


This is where things went a little downhill for me. As I stated earlier, there are 5 metallics. Touring and Fly Girl, you probably already have somewhere in your collection. The stand outs in this palette are Serenade and Capri. Serenade is that real lemon shade. This is the shade that I really wanted to work, but it just didn’t. Capri is also beautiful it’s a yellow green. It didn’t work on me either. When the stand out shades do not work for you, it ruins the palette. It’s the same thing that happened with “Stone Cold Fox.” Why they didn’t work, however, is nothing against the palette. As I mentioned earlier, I just didn’t care for them on my skin tone. The other reason that they did not work, I will talk about in the next section. I just want to mention Easy Peasy, which was such a pleasant surprise in this palette. It was actually my favorite shade. It’s just this gorgeous rusty metallic with gold shimmer throughout. Perfection.

I had to give Easy Peasy it’s own swatch, it’s just so pretty. Excuse my messy desk in the background….it’s cleaner than it usually is


So, here’s the thing…and I hesitate to even call it a reaction. It’s just that every once in a while I come across an eyeshadow formula that just dries out my eyelids. Is it connected to my allergy? I can’t even say for sure, but I did only notice it after I was diagnosed. These shadows left my eyelids somewhat “scaly” and it was noticeable, especially with the metallics. You cannot tell in the picture….of course I did not take a picture when it was actually occurring. The next time I have this kind of reaction, I absolutely will. So this palette did not work for me. By no means though is it a bad palette… stated earlier, I think it’s a really good one.


With that last statement, I cannot in good conscience not recommend this palette. Even though I will probably never reach for it, the collector in me is so glad that I have it. If these colors are right for you….well that’s even better. If you have a nickel allergy…hmm. I just don’t know. I did not have a classis reaction. It’s up to you if you want to try it…..well it’s always up to you, but I feel like I can’t even guide you on this one. If you are a collector, and it’s speaking to you, I think I would get it. If not….you probably have these shades somewhere, or something close to it.

I never actually had Limoncello, but this palette just didn’t work for me. Maybe the drink will? What do you think?

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