About Nickel Allergies

Do You Have One?

Maybe. Nickel is one of the more common allergens. The allergy is more common in women. It causes swelling, redness, eczema, basically contact dermatitis. This kind of information is easy to find, and then it kind of stops. There is just not a whole lot of information about nickel allergies anywhere, except to avoid nickel. Since there is nickel in almost everything this is impossible. The good news is you are probably not allergic to everything. There is something that is setting your allergy off. So, the first step is to get the diagnosis. This seems obvious, but I see a lot of people assume that they are allergic to something. For example, I find that a lot of people assume they are allergic to coconut oil. I suspect at least some of these allergies are actually nickel. The only way to know for sure is to see your doctor. Once you get the diagnosis, you can start eliminating stuff and bringing it back in. Not using any makeup and restricting my diet was hard, but I knew it was the only way. By doing this I found that I was having a reaction to spinach. That was it as far as food was concerned. (By the way, these rashes are most common around the eyes, the stomach and the palms of your hands.) I was not surprised. I knew for the me the real problem was in the makeup.

What Are Iron Oxides Anyway?

For a great explanation on iron oxides, and how eye makeup is made in general check out the book “Make Your Own Cosmetics Volume 4 Recipes for Eye Makeup.” Even if you are not going to set up a lab in your kitchen (it did cross my mind) its an interesting read. You can find it here.


Basically iron oxides (also known as mineral pigments) are inorganic substances that are non toxic and naturally occurring. They can be synthetically made and tinted too include all kinds of shades. They are considered safe (safer then other colorants) and are therefore used in most make up. Go ahead and check. I guarantee they are in all the makeup you own. Since they are considered to be gentle and non-toxic, you will also find them in “hypoallergenic” makeup or “natural makeup”. So, while these are options for people with some allergies, they are not useful to someone with a nickel allergy. Sometimes you will not see “iron oxides” in the ingredients, instead they will be listed numerically. Anything starting with 774 is an iron oxide.


Mica is another common ingredient in makeup. Mica is what makes those incredible shimmers and can be formulated to make pretty much any color you can think off. Mica itself does not include iron oxides, however mica itself is sheer, and when in make up, coated in iron oxides. So when you see mica listed in the ingredients, you can assume there are also iron oxides present.

Will I Ever Wear Makeup Again?

I would love to say yes, absolutely. Unfortunately, I cannot. I don’t know how sensitive you are. I don’t know your skin or how strong your allergy is. However, I can say maybe. Honestly, the best advice I can give you if you have a nickel allergy is too just stay away from makeup. Now that that’s out of the way, I will tell you it actually had the opposite effect on me. It led me from a cosmetic bag full of makeup to basically an attic full. I went most of my life not caring about makeup, but when I found out I couldn’t use it, things changed. I was determined to find something. This led me to trying everything I could get my hands on, and opened up a door to the beauty world. I love it there. It’s not a full time job, but it is a full time hobby. And that takes us to the heart of this blog.

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. I’ve recently started having reactions on my face and through trial and error, I think it might be an iron oxide or nickel allergy (in my case, in tinted sunscreen). I’m still having trouble finding something affordable I can wear on my face for a bit of coverage, but your blog and YouTube videos were some of the only resources I could find that listed some makeup without iron oxide. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much! I really wish there was more information out there, I know how frustrating it can be. I hope you are able to find something that works for you!

  2. Hi, I found your YouTube videos and this blog informative. Thank you! I have a question regarding food allergy to nickel. You mentioned that you react to spinach. Have you had food allergy testing? I, too, have been diagnosed with contact dermatitis to nickel (and cobalt, and thiuram mix (accelerators)), and I had an extensive food allergy test, and everything was negative, including greens. I’m just wondering if you had one done. My derm also told me not to worry about food but to focus on avoiding nickel topically.

    1. Hi Divina…thank you so much! I am so glad you found my site and you tube channel. No, I was never tested for food allergies, I only did a patch test. From the research I have done, nickel allergies to food are much less common than contact dermatitis. However, yes, I found my eyes watering and swelling whenever I ate spinach. I am assuming that was the cause because spinach is so high in nickel. I have not had an issue with any other food, however if that were to change, I would definitely get more testing. Thanks again for your support!!

  3. I’ve been tested and allergic to:
    Chromium dioxide
    For years now I could use Bare Minerals matte eyeshadows. They recently stopped producing them. They are only making shiny/glittery now. What are good natural matter shadows out there??

    1. Hi Jackie,

      Eyeshadows are hard to find without iron oxides or nickel. For me it is all trial and error. I have found that I do not react to every palette, but many I do, and I really just think it is the amount of iron oxides in the product. You could try 100% pure eyebrow makeup. I cannot remember the exact one, but it is on my iron oxide free makeup page. Any time I find anything without iron oxides I post it there. Good luck💛

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